Flashbulb Films has debuted the trailer for the drama/thriller film, “Solid Rock Trust”, now available on Amazon Prime Video. This film is written and directed by Rick Ives, and stars Koko Marshall (A Perfect Host, The One You’re With) and Alexander Hearth. Armed with only a laptop, a collection of cell phones and her own wits, hacker Maddie orchestrates a bank heist from an abandoned building. Guiding a team of strangers, she uses her repertoire of accents and personas to conceal her true identity. Inevitably, as things begin to spin out of her control, Maddie must fight to overcome an avalanche of double crossings and obstacles that escalate in complexity as time runs out! Set in an old condemned warehouse, audiences remain on Maddie’s end of the phone call, leaving them asking who they can trust, if not themselves?
Ives’ directorial debut comes on the heels of working alongside top editorial staff, bringing household stories to life such as “Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3”(2023), “Ms. Marvel” (2022), and “Loki” (2021). His extensive experience paved the way to the creation of “Solid Rock Trust”.
SOLID ROCK TRUST is available to rent or buy now on Amazon, and is coming soon to other digital platforms including Tubi, YouTube movies, Google Play and IMDb.