"Subspecies V: Bloodrise" Offers Redemption for Full Moon Features
"Subspecies V: Blood Rise" marks the triumphant return of the beloved vampire franchise that has captivated audiences for years. The Subspecies films have a rich history, dating back to the early 1990s, and have consistently stayed true to the original Nosferatu style of vampire cinema despite the ever-changing trends in the genre.
Full Moon Features, the production company behind the Subspecies series, has faced some criticism from horror fans in recent years. However, "Blood Rise" proves to be a redemption for them. The film delves into the origins of Radu and his family history, providing fans with a fresh and captivating storyline.
Although the inclusion of the Tre origin story was somewhat unexpected, considering the extensive exploration of history in previous films, it adds an intriguing layer to the narrative. Nevertheless, everything that fans love about the Subspecies series is present in "Blood Rise." From Radu's iconic long fingers to thrilling sword fights and, of course, the over-the-top vampire nudity that originally drew in deviant little kids like myself, the film does not disappoint.
As a fan eagerly awaiting the return of Subspecies, "Blood Rise" exceeded my expectations. It is my hope that Full Moon Features will continue to deliver new installments for other films in their repertoire. However, it should be noted that the film's adherence to classic vampire tropes may not resonate with all audiences. Subspecies has always had its own dedicated following, and fortunately, "Bloodrise" caters to our love for the series.
HMU gives "Subspecies V: Blood Rise" a solid 3/5. Fans of the original Full Moon Features productions should not miss this thrilling addition to the franchise.
SUBSPECIES V BLOOD RISE is playing in select theaters it is directed by
Ted Nicolaou and stars Anders Hove, Denice Duff, Stasa Nikolic and Marko Filipovic.