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Jan 12, 2022
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How to speed up your business? How to accelerate the development and growth of your business? In this short article, I am telling you about two levers that can be easily activated to think long term but remain effective Note from Rudy: If you are an expert in Pakistan Phone Number List you can submit your articles by contacting me on the dedicated page. Before starting your tutorial, get my Roadmap , consult the Traffic & Customers Program and download free guides and tips to create traffic, generate leads and attract customers. I was thinking about the levers that have allowed me to accelerate my business since the start of the year. I came to the conclusion that... Ultimately it is the ego that makes you aim for the right long term goal. But it's humility that allows you to be at a sufficient level of operational focus to gain traction. Why does the ego allow you to aim for the long term? Because it is this self-confidence that allows you to set yourself challenges. Challenges which, if you meet them, will give you a decisive advantage over your competitors. It is the ego that makes it possible to dare. It is the ego that allows you to surpass yourself. It is Pakistan Phone Number List ego that allows a vision to be posed. It is the vision that makes it possible to buy into the project. Elon Musk explains that he will create a reusable commercial shuttle to send men into space. It takes a huge dose of ego to carry this vision. Today, we keep our fingers crossed that Ariane will still be Pakistan Phone Number List here in 10 years. How far could your ego take you? What would be the ultimate version of your business? What vision would you like to wear?


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