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Feb 14, 2022
In General Discussions
If you are opening or have thought of opening your own ecommerce , you are probably asking yourself some questions about the brand you would like to build and how to do branding. In this article I want to talk to you about this marketing technique, which is the basis of trade and which has the power to launch a business in the Olympus of success (or to sink it). Before talking about it, however, let's take a few steps back to understand what brand means and, above all, branding. Start your online business today. Click below and start your 14-day free trial with Shopify. TRY SHOPIFY What is it and how to create a brand? The brand, translated literally, is the brand of a company. In the past, perhaps it was limited to being just that, but today we know that the term "brand" has a broader meaning. In reality, today the brand is the face of a company. It represents it in all locations, distinguishes it from the others in the eyes of the consumer and remains in the minds of customers, arousing different sensations. Just think, for example, of what the Barilla brand transmits to us: tranquility, serenity, safety within the walls of the house, union and family warmth. Nothing to do with the Nike brand, right? Which instead transmits energy, power, endurance, dynamism, freedom. A brand is therefore able to: make yourself immediately recognizable to customers; arouse a variety of emotions; remain in the memory in order to represent something for the consumer to trust, to the point of becoming synonymous with quality. But how does a brand, with a simple logo, a name and an impressive phrase, achieve all this? That is, to remain in people's memory, to transmit trust and to arouse different sensations? Well it's not easy. First, there is solid work upstream to get the logo and name right. Only later, when the brand is ready, can we think of an adequate marketing strategy to give it all the above qualities (the so-called "branding"), which can last for years. This strategy, if done well, ensures the success of that product and will also pave the way for other products of the same brand, thus building customer loyalty. But let's go in order and let's focus on the first steps to take. The brand creation phase is very delicate Philippines Photo Editor because it is from here that the identity of a brand is decided, the so-called brand identity, or the image that the company wants to give of itself. Create a strong brand identity Before taking care of the practical aspects of your brand such as logo, name , etc, you have to ask yourself: “what image do I want to give of my company? What sensations do I want to arouse? How do I want to position myself in the mind of my potential client compared to all the other brands? ". In fact, all the elements of the brand, from the choice of colors to the way of communicating (tone of voice), must be aligned and contribute to creating a solid and unique identity, just as if it were a person: the brand identity, in fact. For example, if yours is a company of natural and eco-friendly cosmetic products, to differentiate itself from other companies, the brand must be built in such a way as to recall this concept in the viewer. To do this you will have to use, for example, suitable colors and lines, a name that reflects the company's activity without neglecting the ecological aspect, and a memorable payoff, that is a few words phrase that remains linked to the brand and that helps to create the his identity. When the brand is ready, all that remains is to start the marketing strategy I was talking about a little earlier to transform it into a brand. If you are wondering what it is, then we need to talk about branding .
Feb 14, 2022
In General Discussions
Do you have followers so attached to your brand that they can't wait for your next post, Instagram photo or YouTube video? Or do most of the likes come from friends and family? For many brands, developing an interested audience and being able to constantly engage them is a real challenge. If you want customers who are so loyal that they would never switch to another brand name, be prepared to work hard. Having a great product and service is sadly not enough - you need to establish an emotional connection with your customers. In this article we will look at the definition of customer engagement, show you some examples of major brand customer engagement, and give you some tips to help you improve customer engagement. Let's begin. Discover thousands of products to sell online. No credit card required, zero risk. GET STARTED FOR FREE Customer engagement: what it is Try searching for the definition of customer engagement on Google - you will find hundreds of different interpretations. This is ours: “Customer engagement” refers to the level Photo Editing Services of interest a person (in this case, a customer) must have in order to interact with your brand. It's not just about buying your products or services, it's about establishing a real emotional connection. The concept may seem simple to you, but it is not at all: being able to measure the amount and type of emotions of others is complicated. That's why, when we analyze customer engagement in relation to marketing, we use more tangible metrics based on the actions taken by users. Your brand has excellent customer engagement if your users / customers perform such actions: like and comment on your social media posts participate in the campaigns, promotions, contests and events you organize they join your loyalty or customer loyalty program and reap the benefits leave positive reviews about your products and services on your site, social media channels, and third-party review sites recommend your products or services to their colleagues they read, download and interact with your blogs, videos, ebooks and other content Another good sign: they come back to buy your services and products. But keep in mind that having a customer come back to buy doesn't mean they have an emotional connection with your brand. Without it, the likelihood of you abandoning your brand and moving on to the competition is much higher. Let's take a look at some examples of digital customer engagement from brands that manage to have exemplary customer interaction. Customer engagement: examples Cadbury: personalized content If your content is boring, it will be impossible to engage customers. Instead of constantly talking about your company or product (foolproof strategy, yes ... to bore and alienate the audience!), Try to personalize your content. Let's take Cadbury, a British company that produces confectionery, as an example. Following the huge success of Facebook's personalized video, Cadbury decided to create branded interactive content. Instead of talking about the company's achievements during the previous year, she turned to the personal taste of her customers and the type of chocolate they consume.


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