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CFF2022' "Second Sun" - movie review

Wow! Seriously, if that's not the first word coming out of your mouth after seeing Rinat Tashimov's SECOND SUN then you are probably still processing. This obscure little flick played at this years Chattanooga Film Festival and let's say it was in a category all on it's own. So the film follows the day to day of a Siberian tribe known as Tatars who would give any gypsy , pikey or miscreant a run for their money. The only question I kept asking myself is "why in the hell is the museum next door to the hospital?" (insert laugh emoji) The story is told in chapters through the lens of a young man with down syndrome. He's got so much love for his people that we get to see moments of pure grandeur in a well received role by Konstantin Itunin. Heartwarming and filled with quirks if you can get through it SECOND SUN is a rare genre treat.

The chapters tell stories of certain key figures but there will be moments when the viewer is lost. Asking yourself "what in the hell are these people doing?" will be a reoccurring theme. No story would be complete without a villain and SECOND SUN surprises you with some harsh scenes. There are times when things from the film start to intertwine to give a sense of the people from this land. They are proud people with their own traditions and heritage and won't be forgotten anytime soon. Mammoths, yes mammoths are also a recurring theme and you will have to watch the film to shed more light on that subject. There are tons of comedic flair in SECOND SUN to the point that you may feel guilty for laughing. Honestly the cast is extraordinary in bringing Second Sun to life. Upon viewing, audiences will feel like they are part of this colorful tribe where laughing holds an entire new meaning. The film is shot incredibly well and it's filled with vibrant colors that adds a surrealism to the area the Tartars dwell in.

SECOND SUN plays like a great fantasy novel of a group of people too simple to fear the wonders of the outside world. It begs for this approach to exist in the modern day world where whimsy seems to have no place. Don't assume there aren't dark segments in SECOND SON , because there is. How it's received will be purely up to each individual audience member. Some may laugh, some may cry and many will scratch their heads as they see how this tribe lives. One thing you won't be able to do is look away once you see some of the patterns of the cast. In a festival filled with dark stories , hauntings and more SECOND SUN sits alone in a category that has yet to be defined!


SECOND SUN is directed Rinat Tashimov and stars Vasilina Makovtseva,

Tatiana Bunkova and Konstantin Itunin.

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