Set in the 1970s, THE TANK is a story about a young family who inherits a remote and long abandoned coastal property in Oregon and awakens beneath it a horde of ferocious and deadly creatures. Academy Award-winning special effects supervisor and creative director Richard Taylor and his team at Peter Jackson’s VFX studio Weta Workshop created the creature effects.
The film opens in select theaters on April 21 and digitally on April 25.
After mysteriously inheriting an abandoned coastal property, Ben and his family accidentally unleash an ancient, long-dormant creature that terrorized the entire region—including his own ancestors—for generations.
Directed by: Scott Walker
Written by: Scott Walker
Produced by: Scott Walker
Creature Effects by: Weta Workshop - Richard Taylor
Cast: Luciane Buchanan, Matt Whelan, Zara Nausbaum, Regina Hegemann, Jack Barry, Holly Shervey