Embark on a chilling journey with "NEW LIFE," the latest horror-blending masterpiece from filmmaker John Rosman. Unravel the enigmatic tale of a mysterious woman on the run, portrayed by the talented Hayley Erin, and the relentless fixer, played by Sonya Walger, assigned to apprehend her. As their narratives intricately intertwine, the pursuit escalates to apocalyptic heights, raising the stakes to a heart-pounding climax. Rosman's deft touch blurs the lines of genre in this riveting film. Stay tuned for more updates on "NEW LIFE," and, in the meantime, immerse yourself in the haunting ambiance with a sneak peek at some exclusive stills released today by Brainstorm Media.
Brainstorm Media proudly announces the acquisition of John Rosman’s feature directorial debut, the genre-bending horror thriller NEW LIFE. The deal was successfully negotiated by Pip Ngo from XYZ Films and Alex Peters at Brainstorm Media.
NEW LIFE had its highly anticipated world premiere at Fantasia last year, captivating audiences and critics alike with its riveting storyline and compelling performances.The film quickly became a festival favorite, earning critical acclaim. NEW LIFE presents an innovative cat-and-mouse thriller while never losing sight of its emotional core, all brought to life by its stellar cast. Sonya Walger (For All Mankind, Lost), Hayley Erin (Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists, General Hospital), and Tony Amendola (Annabelle, Curse of Llorona) star in the film.
Michelle Shwarzstein, CEO of Brainstorm Media, expressed excitement about the acquisition, stating, “NEW LIFE is an impressive debut from John Rosman that will captivate audiences in unexpected ways. It is not often we see a film in the genre reveal such depth and complexity. We are honored and excited to present this very special film.”
Written and directed by John Rosman, NEW LIFE is a character-driven story that upends traditional horror conventions through its intimate exploration of mortality. The film follows the story of a mysterious woman on the run (Hayley Erin) and the resourceful fixer assigned to bring her in (Sonya Walger). As their two stories inexorably link, the stakes of their pursuit rise to apocalyptic proportions. In NEW LIFE, Rosman has crafted a film that skillfully blurs its genre boundaries.
Director John Rosman shared his thoughts on the acquisition, saying, “From our first conversation, Brainstorm has been exceptionally collaborative and creative. I feel lucky that our project landed a team who believes that the things which make New Life different – are the things that make it special. I couldn’t be more thrilled to partner with Brainstorm to bring New Life to theaters and into people’s homes this spring.”
The film is produced by T. Justin Ross, producer of 2023’s Saturn Award-nominated time-travel thriller APORIA, as well as the independent horror darling THE MORTUARY COLLECTION. Mike Marchlewski also produced the film. NEW LIFE’s executive producer is David Lawson Jr., producer of the Independent Spirit Award-nominated Sundance film SOMETHING IN THE DIRT and the critically acclaimed sci-fi horror THE ENDLESS, among others.
NEW LIFE is scheduled to release theatrically this Spring 2024. For more information about NEW LIFE and Brainstorm Media's upcoming releases, please visit Brainstorm Media's Website: Brainstormmedia.com.