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"Loop Track"- movie review

As we wind down the season of films, a creature flick is a must, and Dark Sky Films delivers with the Kiwi feature, "LOOP TRACK," from Thomas Sainsbury. Set in the enchanting New Zealand forest, the film follows an anxious backpacker who suspects he's being pursued. Reluctantly joining a group, he spreads paranoia that becomes potentially dangerous. "LOOP TRACK" weaves uneasy storytelling with fantastic creature antics, offering a refreshing break from the pandemic-styled movies of the last two years.

I found myself enjoying "LOOP TRACK" even more than I anticipated. The standout element is Sainsbury's brilliant performance as the lead, "Ian." His vibrant anxiousness captivates from start to finish, leading viewers to question if something is genuinely following him. As the story unfolds, other characters are introduced, with Hayden J. Weal notably shining as Mickey. Films centered on paranoia have the power to turn any seemingly good character into a potential villain, keeping the audience on edge and entertained throughout.

The film starts with a strong narrative, avoiding excessive elements. The conclusion of "LOOP TRACK" elicits laughter, cheers, and a desire for more. Audiences will walk away feeling entertained, anxious, and relieved – classic elements of a well-executed monster flick.

Kudos to Thomas Sainsbury for thinking outside the coronavirus box with "LOOP TRACK." The practical effects are a highlight, offering a rewarding departure from the over-digitalized world. Fans can catch "LOOP TRACK" online this weekend, and we highly recommend doing so.

Rating: 3.5/5 ⭐️

Directed & Written by: Thomas Sainsbury

Produced by: Gabriel Lunte, Jonathan Potton, Milon Tesiram

Cast: Thomas Sainsbury, Hayden J. Weal, Tawanda Manyimo

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