The visually stunning sci-fi drama-thriller Meanwhile on Earth from Jérémy Clapin is finally hitting theaters next week. In celebration, Metrograph Pictures released an exclusive clip yesterday featuring Elsa (Megan Northam) grappling with a strange, alien-like earworm—a device seemingly linked to the captor of her brother, Franck. As Elsa attempts to remove the earworm, a sinister voice intervenes, showing her why she can’t. Catch Meanwhile on Earth in theaters on November 8th, and stay tuned for our exclusive interview with Jérémy Clapin this weekend!
Releases In Theaters November 8th
Elsa (Megan Northam, in her debut feature starring role), along with her family, is struggling following the disappearance of her brother Franck, an astronaut who vanished during his first mission. While stargazing one night, Elsa is shocked to receive contact from Franck, but her joy is short-lived when she learns of the dark and troubling forces behind Franck’s reappearance, forcing her to confront the lengths she will go for the brother she once feared was gone forever.
Studio Metrograph Pictures
Written and Directed by Jérémy Clapin
Produced by Marc Du Pontavice
Starring Megan Northam
Casting Director Judith Chalier
Sound Design by Vincent Piponnier
Edited by Jean-Christophe Bouzy
Costume Designer Ariane Daurat
Production Designer Marion Burger
Director of Photography Robrecht Heyvaert
Composer Dan Levy