The latest horror film, FEAR, directed by Deon Taylor (known for his work on Fatale and Black and Blue), fails to impress. Despite its Ana Urban-style thriller concept, the film arrives a little too late to register with audiences. In a world where the announcement of COVID-19 was already terrifying, FEAR fails to offer anything new or exciting.
The movie attempts to cross Nightmare on Elm Street with OUTBREAK but lacks substance and fails to stand up against either. With such an extraordinary cast, one would have hoped for a reimagined version of the FEAR CLINIC TV series, starring Robert England, but unfortunately, that is not the case.
Urban horror films have made a significant impact on their own community and have been embraced by audiences worldwide. However, even urban filmmakers can fall into the trap of using tired and overdone tropes.
FEAR, unfortunately, falls short of originality and fails to deliver on its potential. Starring Joseph Sikora, Andrew Bachelor, Annie Ilonzeh, Ruby Modine, Iddo Goldberg, Terrence Jenkins, and TIP "T.I." Harris, the cast does its best with the material they have been given. Still, it is not enough to save the film.
In conclusion, FEAR receives a 2/5 from HMU. While we wanted to like the concept and idea, the film fell short of originality. Hopefully, this marks the end of pandemic film exhaustion still present in genre film today. It's time for filmmakers to start thinking outside the box and provide fresh perspectives to audiences.
Directed by
Deon Taylor(Fatale, Black and Blue)
Starring Joseph Sikora, Andrew Bachelor, Annie Ilonzeh, Ruby Modine, Iddo Goldberg, Terrence Jenkins, and TIP "T.I." Harris