Creepshow Season 3 continues with an animated story, “The Things In Oakwood’s Past,” featured in the upcoming episode (305) starring Mark Hamill, Danielle Harris, Ron Livingston, Fayna Sanchez, Kate Thulin and Andy Daly. We are pleased to provide you with access to a secure screener of the episode entitled “Time Out” and “The Things In Oakwood’s Past” streaming Thursday, October 21 on Shudder as well as via the Shudder offering within the AMC+ bundle.
Creepshow, based on the 1982 horror comedy classic, is still the most fun you’ll ever have being scared. A comic book comes to life in a series of vignettes, exploring terrors ranging from murder, creatures, monsters, and delusions to the supernatural and unexplainable. You never know what will be on the next page…
Episode 305 “Time Out” and “The Things In Oakwood’s Past” - October 21, 2021
“Time Out”
Tim finds the answer to always wishing there were more hours in the day, but the success he can now achieve might not be worth the cost.
Directed by: Jeffrey F. January
Written by: Barrington Smith & Paul Seetachitt
Cast: Matthew Barnes, Devon Hales, Jibre Hordges, Lauren Richards, Jabari Marshall, Grant Feely, Shannon Eubanks, Kamran Shaikh, Emerson Bennett, Jody Whitehurst, David Alexander Kaplan, Garrett Zehner
“The Things In Oakwood’s Past”
The town of Oakwood has a storied past, and the opening of a time capsule is an exciting moment of remembrance. But can a local librarian keep a darker part of the town’s history from repeating itself?
Directed by: Greg Nicotero & Dave Newberg
Written by: Daniel Kraus and Greg Nicotero
Cast: Mark Hamill, Danielle Harris, Ron Livingston, Fayna Sanchez, Kate Thulin, Andy Daly