The supernatural thriller "Exhuma," directed by Jang Jae-Hyun, is set to debut on digital platforms on June 4th via Well Go USA. The film follows a team of supernatural experts as they trace a mysterious ailment back to a remote gravesite, only to learn the dire consequences of disturbing the wrong tomb. The digital release will feature a new English dub and French subtitles.
"Exhuma" stars Choi Min-sik, Kim Go-eun, Yoo Hai-jin, and Lee Do-hyun. The film has garnered critical acclaim, winning the Art Award at the 2024 Baek Sang Art Awards, along with accolades for Best Director (Jang Jae-Hyun), Best Actor (Choi Min-sik), Best Actress (Kim Go-eun), and Best New Actor (Lee Do-hyun).
Kim Go-eun plays a renowned shaman who, alongside her protégé (Lee Do-hyun), is tasked by a mysterious family to investigate a supernatural illness targeting the family's firstborns. Assisted by a mortician (Yoo Hai-jin) and a geomancer (Choi Min-sik), their investigation leads them to a sacred ancestral grave. Their decision to exhume and relocate the remains triggers unforeseen dark forces. As eerie events unfold, they confront the terrifying repercussions of tampering with the wrong grave.