Directed by John Barr and written by Mark Jackson, DANGEROUS WATERS follows 19-year-old Rose (Odeya Rush) and her single mother (Saffron Burrows) who are whisked away on a sailing adventure to Bermuda by mom’s new businessman boyfriend (Eric Dane). Their idyllic trip soon takes a harrowing turn, forcing Rose to fight for survival and vengeance in this tightly wound-thriller.
A sailing adventure spirals out of control in this tightly wound-survival thriller. 19-year-old Rose (Odeya Rush) lives a tough, small-town life in Florida with her single mother Alma (Saffron Burrows). Their luck seems to take a turn when Alma’s new businessman boyfriend, Derek (Eric Dane), whisks them away on a sailing adventure to Bermuda. While at sea, Derek’s “business” is revealed to be less than legitimate when their boat is attacked by savage villains, set on fire, and Alma is viciously killed. Distraught and persecuted by Derek and The Captain (Ray Liotta), Rose unearths a primal instinct of survival and a terrifying need for vengeance. She will not yield until those responsible for her mother’s murder are dead.
Directed by: John Barr
Written by: Mark Jackson
Produced by: Sarah Gabriel, Marc Goldberg, Suza Horvat
Genre: Thriller
Runtime: 101 minutes
Rating: Not rated
Starring: Odeya Rush, Eric Dane, Saffron Burrows and Ray Liotta