Cosmic Family Films is thrilled to announce the selection of ‘The Blood of the Dinosaurs’, a short surreal genre-bending horror comedy starring Vincent Stalba, Stella Creel and Kali Russell, and directed by Joe Badon at the 2022 Chattanooga Film Fest.
‘The Blood of the Dinosaurs’ is an Adult Swim style surrealist Kids' Show for deranged adults and follows a lonely Children's Show host, Uncle Bobbo, as he teaches children where oil comes from.
Joe Badon directs this short film, as a follow-up to his award winning features ‘Sister Tempest’ and ’The God Inside My Ear’.
Critic Joseph Perry of Gruesome Magazine says,
“Joe Badon’s Latest Leap Into Lunacy Hits The Surreal Jackpot Once Again '' and calls the short film “Mind-Blowing”.
‘The Blood of the Dinosaurs’ won best Short Film at the 2021 Sin City Horror Fest, WTF Award at the 2022 Buried Alive Film Festival and has now been accepted into the 2022 Oak Cliff Film Festival, Chattanooga Film Fest, Indy Film Fest, Boston Underground Film Festival and BizarroLand Film Festival.
You can check out The Blood of the Dinosaurs at the Chattanooga Film Fest VIRTUALLY starting June 23rd!
Get tickets here: