Republic Pictures, a subsidiary of Paramount Pictures, is excited to announce the release of the new action thriller "Hard Home," directed by James Bamford. The film is set to make its digital debut on June 25th. "Hard Home" stars Simone Kessell and Andrew Howard in a gripping tale of revenge and technological intrigue.
In "Hard Home," Simone Kessell portrays a mother consumed by vengeance after the tragic murder of her daughter. Turning her state-of-the-art home into a sophisticated trap, she engages in a perilous cat-and-mouse game with the killer. Each moment in this high-stakes environment could be deadly, as she uses the advanced technology at her disposal to try to control and outwit her daughter's murderer.
Andrew Howard co-stars, adding depth to this intense thriller that combines elements of suspense, technology, and raw emotion. "Hard Home" promises to be a standout addition to the genre, offering audiences a unique twist on the classic revenge narrative.
Fans of Kessell from her role in "YELLOWJACKETS" will find her performance in "Hard Home" compelling and robust, as she navigates the complexities of grief, justice, and survival. Make sure to mark your calendars for June 25th to catch this riveting thriller on digital platforms.