Genre specialized Black Mandala presents the horror road trip movie, THE FEARWAY, directed by Robert Gajic. A suffocating chase film, in which a young couple suffers a bestial harassment, by a strange and violent being. Jeepers Creepers meets Duel (by Steven Spielberg), in this highway hunt.
A young couple travelling down the freeway seem to be unable to get off the road after being hunted by someone intent on keeping them on the road. The film stars Shannon Dalonzo, Justin Gordon, John D. Hickman, Jessica Gray, Briahn Auguillard, Robin Bookhout, Simon Phillips and Eileen Dietz.
Director: Robert Gajic
Writer: Noah Bessey
Cast: Shannon Dalonzo, Justin Gordon, John D. Hickman, Jessica Gray, Briahn Auguillard, Robin Bookhout; with Simon Phillips and Eileen Dietz