Genre specialist Black Mandala presents psychological horror/coming of age movie, The Long Dark Trail, directed by Kevin Ignatius and Nick Psinakis. Two brothers, physical abuse and a fearsome satanic sect. STAND BY ME meets MIDSOMMAR in this folk horror story that takes refuge deep in a cursed forest.
Two impoverished teenage brothers flee after finally fighting back against their abusive father. Hoping to find and reunite with their estranged mother, they embark on a dangerous journey to rural Pennsylvania, little knowing that she has become a disciple of a sadistic cult that dwells there.
Directors: Kevin Ignatius and Nick Psinakis Writers: Kevin Ignatius and Nick Psinakis
Cast: Carter O’Donnell, Brady O’Donnell, Mick Thyer, Nick Psinakis, Trina Campbell, Paul “Doc” Ignatius, Charlotte Andersen, Willard Foley, Bryce Cummings