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Popcorn Frights Film Festival 23' "Dark Windows" - movie review

There are a few films with distribution deals in play even though they are premiering in the festival circuit this week. One to keep an eye out for is the intense survival thriller from Alex Herron DARK WINDOWS. It's great to see the slasher vibes of the early 2000's making their mark in society today. The only thing we are missing are the posters with the entire cast lined up in some mosaic arrangement. Herron gets busy with DARK WINDOWS as it invites the viewer in to a tale of closure of the highest kind! The ending will leave you speechless and wanting more. DARK WINDOWS will for sure be one of the better slashers to finish out 2023.

That is saying a lot. DARK WINDOWS will have no issue finding an audience. In Kevin Williamson type fashion Herron has found a group of young actors that mesh incredibly well.

Drunk driving will forever be a plague on society and the future generations aren't exempt. Tilly (Anna Bullard) , Monica (Annie Hamilton) and Peter (RoryAlexander) were all marvelous. There was great authenticity amongst the cast as troubled friends morning a devastating act in their own disruptive ways. Enough time is spent digging into what happened that tragic night so the viewer is never lost on what's going on. The ending is when the fun picks up.

DARK WINDOWS up to this point is a straight forward horror. It has you guessing if there are some supernatural things at play. Though soon enough you can tell it's purely a survival thriller. The ending landed for DARK WINDOWS and that's what will stick. Jaws will drop when they see how this film finishes off so im expecting Herron to receive quite the love for this tasty little offering. DARK WINDOWS is a confident and uncomfortable slasher. One not to miss when it hits theaters later this month. If you are at Popcorn Frights Film Festival next Monday make sure to hit the screening!


DARK WINDOWS is directed by Alex Herron

Written By: Ulvrik Kraft, Alex Herron

Starring: Anna Bullard, Annie Hamilton, Rory Alexander, Jóel Sæmundsson and Morten Holst.

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