Simon Boisvert's thriller "Charlie Tango," distributed by Gravitas Ventures, will arrive on streaming platforms on September 3rd. Featuring a cast of Canadian talent, the film centers on a woman and her husband as they grapple with the aftermath of a horrific airplane crash and their dealings with a shady businessman.
Kim, an air traffic controller under investigation after a tragic plane crash, is recruited by Charlie, her lover who specializes in lucrative real estate investments. Her police officer husband, Jeff, soon begins to suspect that Charlie is at the head of a major embezzlement scheme.
CHARLIE TANGO was written, directed and produced Simon Boisvert. The film stars
popular Canadian actors David La Haye and Bruce Disnmore, and Stacie Mistysyn (Degrassi High). The original music was done by Oliver Palotai, keyboardist for the band Kamelot.
CHARLIE TANGO was first runner up, Best Foreign Film at the 2024 Myrtle Beach International Film Festival. Gravitas Ventures will release the film on digital platforms on September 3, 2024. The film has a running time of 98 minutes and will not be rated by the MPAA.